Climate Change
Some unscrupulous scientists manipulate the data to show what they want to show. This link takes you to a page that talks about the most egregious case of data manipulation:
This graphic shows that the climate models do not work very well. The red line is the prediction and the green and blue lines show what was actually measured.
John Christy Dr. John Christy is a Professor of Atmospheric Science and Director of the Earth System Science Center at the University of Alabama. He talks about the reality of climate change instead of the hype.
This is a short Tony Keller video that talks about how climate alarmists have tampered with the data.
This is a longer video in which Tony Keller shows how the proponents of man made climate change have manipulated historical data in order to support their theories and models.
Dr. John Robson dispels the myth that 97% of scientists agree that climate change is man-made, urgent and dangerous.
Matt Ridley discusses how more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has resulted in an increased greening of the planet.
It was hotter in the 1930's than it is today. Tony shows the trends.
This documentary came out in 2007 but it still holds up today.
Roy Spencer - University of Alabama - researcher and meteorologist.
Patrick Moore is one of the founders of Greenpeace.
Key scientists who claim that man is causing global warming had to erase some data so that they could show temperatures rising instead of falling.
William Happer is a Princeton physicist who was once the director of the Department of Energy's Office of Science.
Climate Scientist Dr Roy Spencer tells us why our CO2 emissions are not a big problem, and why there is a bias among the legions of self-styled "Climate Scientists" most of whom are in fact computer modelers, most of whom do not have training in any science subject.
This is a really interesting theory. If it is true then the next several years are going to be cooler. If this happens the only good thing about it would be that it would be the death knell for the climate change alarmists.
When the sun is less active the solar wind is reduced. This means that more cosmic rays reach the lower earth atmosphere and cause cloud formation. More lower atmosphere clouds reflect more sunlight and the earth gets cooler.
Former astronauts ask NASA to stop making unproven claims
Scientists letter to the UN: There is no climate emergency.