Skip a meal, eat once a day, do not eat for a day, do multi-day fasts ... there are a lot of fasting options. Extended fasting is the quickest way to get into fat burning mode. It also promotes autophagy, a process in which your body devours cells or parts of cells that have passed their best before date. After the fast ends your body makes new and improved cells and you end up healthier.
Again I have started off a section with a "What I've Learned Video". A good presentation on fasting to start things off.
A good video on fat and fasting from Dr. Caryn Zinn
Eating once a day and time restricted eating are forms of fasting.
The benefits of fasting ... the body cleans house. This research won a Nobel prize in 2015.
Valter Longo is a world expert on aging and the benefits of fasting.
This video is a longer version of the Valter Longo video above. It can get technical in places but is a good summary of what he has done.
I have this discussion saved as a podcast on my iPhone. Good listening on a nice walk.
Mark Mattson on why fasting bolters brain power. Mark is chief of the Laboratory of Neurosciences at the National Institute on Aging.
The paper shown below discusses a man who went on a medically supervised fast that lasted 383 days. During that period he lost 276 pounds. Click on the arrow in the top right corner to read this paper.
This video gets pretty technical in places.